Monthly Archives: October 2015


The topic or subject,that I am considering to do, is religion, because I guess this topic is the one that interests me a lot  and I think I will be good at explaining this topic. The point of view I have about this topic is, being comfortable at it, talking about it and learning about it more. The format that I am considering to use is, either power point or some kind of website that will help me organize my details. Resources that may be used in this project, well I don’t really need any resources in this project, I can’t really think about something right now , I haven’t decided yet on it.lastly the research that I will need to do is, important details about the topic, for example what they do, what kind of things they do in that religion. Well I haven’t decided how I  going to do it yet but so far this came out from my head.

The Wife Of Bath (Extra Credit)

In this tale of wife of Bath, the main character Bath, is really old and ugly. Also Bath has five husbands and the interesting part is,she sees nothing wrong with having had five husbands and cannot understand Jesus’ rebuke to the woman at the well who also had five husbands. Instead, she prefers the biblical command to go forth and multiply. Also Bath defended her position, the Wife refers to King Solomon, who had many wives, and to St. Paul’s admonishment that it is better to marry than to burn. Having shown a knowledge of the Bible, she challenges anyone to show her that God commanded virginity. And unlike many cold women, she has always been willing to have sex whenever her man wants to.

The wife of bath is appropriate for this pilgrim, because she really fits in this tale, of being and acting how she is. Also she makes the tale interesting and fun to read.As it says in the text that,”Bath kicks her forth husband in to the fire”. i think bath is a really good pilgrim or a character.

-The sources used, the packet of the wife of bath.

The Wife Of Bath’s Tale

In the old days of King Arthur, the Wife of Bath begins, the isle of Britain was full of fairies and elves. In Arthur’s court, however, a young, lusty Knight comes across a beautiful young maiden one day. Overcome by lust and his sense of his own power, he rapes her. The court is defamed by the crime and decrees that the knight should be put to death by punishing. However, Arthur’s queen and other ladies of the court intercede on his behalf and ask the king to give him one chance to save his own life. Arthur, wisely loyal to wifely counsel, grants their request. The queen presents the knight with the following challenge  if, within one year, he can discover what women want most in the world and report his findings back to the court, he will keep his life. If he cannot find the answer to the queen’s question, or if his answer is wrong, he will lose his head.


From reading this tale, I connected this to the real live, that we live in because, as it has stated in the text that “Her first marriage at the tender age of twelve, she has had five husbands.” It used to be like that years ago, getting married young and having a lot husbands. But it changes over the years, and it gets better.

Pilgrim Compatibility

The pilgrim that would be most compatible with me, is squire.Well as it say in the text, “Squire, is a lover and a lusty young soldier. His locks were curled as if laid in a press. He may have been twenty years of age, of average height, amazingly nimble and great of strength.Also squire is a helpful, courteous and modest person and finally why he would be the one compatible with me then the others, because, he is so romantic, as it say in the text that, “All the day long he was singing or playing upon the flute; he was as fresh as the month of May”,Squire would be the perfect one.

Squire logo vertical

The pilgrim that would be least compatible with me, is miller. Well as it say in the text,”His beard was as red as any sow or fox, and broad like a spade as well. Upon the very tip of his nose he had a wart, and on it stood a tuft of red hair like the bristles on a sow’s ears, and his nostrils were black and wide”.Also miller is a disgusting person and he steals from his customers, miller is not the right, so he would be the least compatible person to me.
