Pilgrim Compatibility

The pilgrim that would be most compatible with me, is squire.Well as it say in the text, “Squire, is a lover and a lusty young soldier. His locks were curled as if laid in a press. He may have been twenty years of age, of average height, amazingly nimble and great of strength.Also squire is a helpful, courteous and modest person and finally why he would be the one compatible with me then the others, because, he is so romantic, as it say in the text that, “All the day long he was singing or playing upon the flute; he was as fresh as the month of May”,Squire would be the perfect one.

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The pilgrim that would be least compatible with me, is miller. Well as it say in the text,”His beard was as red as any sow or fox, and broad like a spade as well. Upon the very tip of his nose he had a wart, and on it stood a tuft of red hair like the bristles on a sow’s ears, and his nostrils were black and wide”.Also miller is a disgusting person and he steals from his customers, miller is not the right, so he would be the least compatible person to me.


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