Monthly Archives: November 2015

Supernatural redo

The role that witches or the witchcraft plays in Macbeth, would be evil and harmful. It has been stated in the text that “groups of wishes attempted to murder King James 1″(informational text: witches,superstition, and ghosts 3) . Also it says “The presence and significance of magic is most prevalent in Shakespeare’s play of Macbeth, with the Three Witches and their influencing, visionary powers of dark sorcery and the ostensibly mad Lady Macbeth.”(Stephanie Petsche 4). The role that witches play in Macbeth leads to really dangerous stuff.Witches and Witchcraft is fascinating topics to people in Elizabethan Europe/England, because when you read it, it sounds interesting. The white witches were seen as healers, they healed people who where sick. Some witches were known good but some were known evil and the good witches were known fascinating to the people in Elizabethan Europe/England.                                                                                                           The witches portrayed at female despite not having a specific gender identified by Shakespeare or their behavior, because, I guess they where important but a lot of people did not care about him or something that they are not described as what gender that they are in. But as it stated in the text that “Until the time of Queen Elizabeth, no-one could be executed simply for being a witch” (George Marotous 3.) The role of three witches/weird sisters play in Macbeth is, a vital role . Without them the story would have never happened. They all have supernatural powers in which they use to feed the easy manipulated Macbeth with ambition. “One aspect of the play that has a profound impact on the reader is the usage and beauty of the language of Shakespeare.” (Elaviel1413)



Familiar:something that is same as the other one.                                Coven:something that is around.                                                                                                             Sabbath: to be selfish or being someone who doesn’t care.                                                                                                                                  Devil’s Mark: something that is dark and evil as a mark.                                                                                                                             Pagan: something that you are scared of.


 “Familiar (noun).” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Coven.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Sabbath.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Devil’s Mark.” Devil’s Mark. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Devils Mark.” Web. 16 Nov. 2015.

“Free Macbeth Witches Essays and Papers.” Free Macbeth Witches Essays and Papers. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.

Petsche, Stephanie. “World Mysteries Blog.” World Mysteries Blog. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

Marotous, Marotous. “Macbeth L Historical Background L Witches and Witchcraft.” Macbeth L Historical Background L Witches and Witchcraft. Web. 19 Nov. 2015

1413, Elaviel. “The Power of the Supernatural in Macbeth.” Under the Fallen Leaves. 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

Supernatural Elements in Macbeth

The role that witches or the witchcraft plays in Macbeth, would be evil and harmful. It has been stated in the text that “groups of wishes attempted to murder King James 1”. Also it says “witchcraft led to the torture and death of hundreds of innocent women and several men”. The role that witches play in Macbeth leads to really dangerous stuff.

Witches and Witchcraft is fascinating topics to people in Elizabethan Europe/England, because when you read it, it sounds interesting. The white witches were seen as healers, they healed people who where sick. Some witches were known good but some were known evil and the good witches were known fascinating to the people in Elizabethan Europe/England.                                                                                                                                 

The witches portrayed at female despite not having a specific gender identified by Shakespeare or their behavior, because, I guess they where important but a lot of people did not care about him or something that they are not described as what gender that they are in. But as it stated in the text that “they were usually old,poor and unmarried”.                                

The role of three witches/weird sisters play in Macbeth is, a vital role . Without them the story would have never happened. They all have supernatural powers in which they use to feed the easy manipulated Macbeth with ambition.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Familiar= something that is same as the other one.                                                                  Coven=something that is around.                                                                                                        Sabbath= to be selfish or being someone who doesn’t care.                                                            Devil’s Mark= something that is dark and evil as a mark.                                                           Pagan= something that you are scared of.