Monthly Archives: January 2016

1984 Nonfiction Questions

Fantasy,Science Fiction, and Dystonia

1.”Fantasy novels were originally classified as children’s books the 1930s 1040s and 1950s marked the advent of fantasies such as Robert E Howard conan the barbarian and Isaac Asimovs galactic empire series which were targeted to adult readers”( secondary source 1)  This means that children’s novels are mostly about superheroes,magic and etc.. What’s differentiates the genres of fantasy and realistic fiction? Genres fantasy is a plot that cannot occur in the real world and realistic fiction is a genre consisting of stories that could have actually occurred to people or animals in a believable setting.

2.”Board genre, science fiction typically addresses the question of “what if?” Forming new worlds enables science fiction novels to investigate the moral technological and philosophical implications of emerging trends and issues in modern day society”(secondary source 2) This means science fiction has grown popular in modern days society but it an issue. The three examples of three science fiction novels that uses science fiction  are the Fountainhead (1943) and the Lathe of Heaven (1971).

3.The four  characteristics typical of dystopian writing are controlling the characters lives, economic warefare and protagonist who questions his or hers society.

4.”As in 1984 dystopias are frequently composed as satires to warm readers of what could occur if current conditions are stretched to frightful ends”(secondary source 3) The novels frequently act as satire because they want to warn readers of what can happen at the end of the novel.

5. Fantasy and science fiction are kind of related, fantasy might not be real but sometimes novels that are fiction may have real things that is gong on in life. Science fiction is about real things but is not all really like fantasy.

6. One of the movie I watched that was my fovrite was V for Vendetta. The movies is  under fantasy because the that movie is based on something not real so it would go under fantasy, it’s basically about this guy that is not following the rules and going against it.