Monthly Archives: February 2016

1984 Project

The Totalitarian government i found was Iraq.Iraq was under control of Saddam Hussein and during those times the war between Iran caused a lot of people die and a lot them were died. Iraq is still an Totalitarian government  and a lot of people dies and killed still because, ISIS now control of the place and they command people to do stuff that they don’t want.ISIS commands people to kill other innocent people and they also believe that the Muslim God wants them t do that and they believe that it is for a right cause but the thing is, its not like that because if you are a Muslim, you are not suppose to kill or command some one self to kill. There is not place in the Quran that says that and people who believe that muslims do those type of things, there wrong. I believe that the ISIS group has some kind of choice to not be in the group and sometime they get forced in to it to because they believe in the stupid things and sometimes they force the other people to join the group if not they are going to kill there family. Iraq showed change from totalitarian government, the people showed a little freedom without all that bad things going on.  

Works cited

“ISIS in Iraq Is an Uprising against Totalitarian Rule.” Ed. Saddam Hussein. Unkown, 21 Jan. 2014. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. <;.