Author Archives: sevdaiznurova

1984 Project

The Totalitarian government i found was Iraq.Iraq was under control of Saddam Hussein and during those times the war between Iran caused a lot of people die and a lot them were died. Iraq is still an Totalitarian government  and a lot of people dies and killed still because, ISIS now control of the place and they command people to do stuff that they don’t want.ISIS commands people to kill other innocent people and they also believe that the Muslim God wants them t do that and they believe that it is for a right cause but the thing is, its not like that because if you are a Muslim, you are not suppose to kill or command some one self to kill. There is not place in the Quran that says that and people who believe that muslims do those type of things, there wrong. I believe that the ISIS group has some kind of choice to not be in the group and sometime they get forced in to it to because they believe in the stupid things and sometimes they force the other people to join the group if not they are going to kill there family. Iraq showed change from totalitarian government, the people showed a little freedom without all that bad things going on.  

Works cited

“ISIS in Iraq Is an Uprising against Totalitarian Rule.” Ed. Saddam Hussein. Unkown, 21 Jan. 2014. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. <;.






1984 Nonfiction Questions

Fantasy,Science Fiction, and Dystonia

1.”Fantasy novels were originally classified as children’s books the 1930s 1040s and 1950s marked the advent of fantasies such as Robert E Howard conan the barbarian and Isaac Asimovs galactic empire series which were targeted to adult readers”( secondary source 1)  This means that children’s novels are mostly about superheroes,magic and etc.. What’s differentiates the genres of fantasy and realistic fiction? Genres fantasy is a plot that cannot occur in the real world and realistic fiction is a genre consisting of stories that could have actually occurred to people or animals in a believable setting.

2.”Board genre, science fiction typically addresses the question of “what if?” Forming new worlds enables science fiction novels to investigate the moral technological and philosophical implications of emerging trends and issues in modern day society”(secondary source 2) This means science fiction has grown popular in modern days society but it an issue. The three examples of three science fiction novels that uses science fiction  are the Fountainhead (1943) and the Lathe of Heaven (1971).

3.The four  characteristics typical of dystopian writing are controlling the characters lives, economic warefare and protagonist who questions his or hers society.

4.”As in 1984 dystopias are frequently composed as satires to warm readers of what could occur if current conditions are stretched to frightful ends”(secondary source 3) The novels frequently act as satire because they want to warn readers of what can happen at the end of the novel.

5. Fantasy and science fiction are kind of related, fantasy might not be real but sometimes novels that are fiction may have real things that is gong on in life. Science fiction is about real things but is not all really like fantasy.

6. One of the movie I watched that was my fovrite was V for Vendetta. The movies is  under fantasy because the that movie is based on something not real so it would go under fantasy, it’s basically about this guy that is not following the rules and going against it.


 Is a political assassination ever justified? Well no because the issues  is important because of the extreme tensions it generates between consequential and deontological considerations: assassination is intrinsically a very bad act, but it sometimes can lead to highly beneficial consequences, including the prevention of the deaths of high numbers of innocent persons.

Do you think Duncan’s murder is justified? Duncan’s murder is not justified because in the beginning of the tale, Macbeth goes back and forth on his head if he should kill Duncan or not and same time he was thinking if he should listen what the witches said to him.Macbeth is a nice guy and he say that the king which is Duncan, is really loyal and a nice guy, so Macbeth doesn’t want to kill him but lady Macbeth forces Macbeth to kill Duncan. For that reason Duncan’s murder is not justified.

Supernatural redo

The role that witches or the witchcraft plays in Macbeth, would be evil and harmful. It has been stated in the text that “groups of wishes attempted to murder King James 1″(informational text: witches,superstition, and ghosts 3) . Also it says “The presence and significance of magic is most prevalent in Shakespeare’s play of Macbeth, with the Three Witches and their influencing, visionary powers of dark sorcery and the ostensibly mad Lady Macbeth.”(Stephanie Petsche 4). The role that witches play in Macbeth leads to really dangerous stuff.Witches and Witchcraft is fascinating topics to people in Elizabethan Europe/England, because when you read it, it sounds interesting. The white witches were seen as healers, they healed people who where sick. Some witches were known good but some were known evil and the good witches were known fascinating to the people in Elizabethan Europe/England.                                                                                                           The witches portrayed at female despite not having a specific gender identified by Shakespeare or their behavior, because, I guess they where important but a lot of people did not care about him or something that they are not described as what gender that they are in. But as it stated in the text that “Until the time of Queen Elizabeth, no-one could be executed simply for being a witch” (George Marotous 3.) The role of three witches/weird sisters play in Macbeth is, a vital role . Without them the story would have never happened. They all have supernatural powers in which they use to feed the easy manipulated Macbeth with ambition. “One aspect of the play that has a profound impact on the reader is the usage and beauty of the language of Shakespeare.” (Elaviel1413)



Familiar:something that is same as the other one.                                Coven:something that is around.                                                                                                             Sabbath: to be selfish or being someone who doesn’t care.                                                                                                                                  Devil’s Mark: something that is dark and evil as a mark.                                                                                                                             Pagan: something that you are scared of.


 “Familiar (noun).” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Coven.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Sabbath.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Devil’s Mark.” Devil’s Mark. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.
“Devils Mark.” Web. 16 Nov. 2015.

“Free Macbeth Witches Essays and Papers.” Free Macbeth Witches Essays and Papers. Web. 16 Nov. 2015.

Petsche, Stephanie. “World Mysteries Blog.” World Mysteries Blog. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

Marotous, Marotous. “Macbeth L Historical Background L Witches and Witchcraft.” Macbeth L Historical Background L Witches and Witchcraft. Web. 19 Nov. 2015

1413, Elaviel. “The Power of the Supernatural in Macbeth.” Under the Fallen Leaves. 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

Supernatural Elements in Macbeth

The role that witches or the witchcraft plays in Macbeth, would be evil and harmful. It has been stated in the text that “groups of wishes attempted to murder King James 1”. Also it says “witchcraft led to the torture and death of hundreds of innocent women and several men”. The role that witches play in Macbeth leads to really dangerous stuff.

Witches and Witchcraft is fascinating topics to people in Elizabethan Europe/England, because when you read it, it sounds interesting. The white witches were seen as healers, they healed people who where sick. Some witches were known good but some were known evil and the good witches were known fascinating to the people in Elizabethan Europe/England.                                                                                                                                 

The witches portrayed at female despite not having a specific gender identified by Shakespeare or their behavior, because, I guess they where important but a lot of people did not care about him or something that they are not described as what gender that they are in. But as it stated in the text that “they were usually old,poor and unmarried”.                                

The role of three witches/weird sisters play in Macbeth is, a vital role . Without them the story would have never happened. They all have supernatural powers in which they use to feed the easy manipulated Macbeth with ambition.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Familiar= something that is same as the other one.                                                                  Coven=something that is around.                                                                                                        Sabbath= to be selfish or being someone who doesn’t care.                                                            Devil’s Mark= something that is dark and evil as a mark.                                                           Pagan= something that you are scared of.



The topic or subject,that I am considering to do, is religion, because I guess this topic is the one that interests me a lot  and I think I will be good at explaining this topic. The point of view I have about this topic is, being comfortable at it, talking about it and learning about it more. The format that I am considering to use is, either power point or some kind of website that will help me organize my details. Resources that may be used in this project, well I don’t really need any resources in this project, I can’t really think about something right now , I haven’t decided yet on it.lastly the research that I will need to do is, important details about the topic, for example what they do, what kind of things they do in that religion. Well I haven’t decided how I  going to do it yet but so far this came out from my head.

The Wife Of Bath (Extra Credit)

In this tale of wife of Bath, the main character Bath, is really old and ugly. Also Bath has five husbands and the interesting part is,she sees nothing wrong with having had five husbands and cannot understand Jesus’ rebuke to the woman at the well who also had five husbands. Instead, she prefers the biblical command to go forth and multiply. Also Bath defended her position, the Wife refers to King Solomon, who had many wives, and to St. Paul’s admonishment that it is better to marry than to burn. Having shown a knowledge of the Bible, she challenges anyone to show her that God commanded virginity. And unlike many cold women, she has always been willing to have sex whenever her man wants to.

The wife of bath is appropriate for this pilgrim, because she really fits in this tale, of being and acting how she is. Also she makes the tale interesting and fun to read.As it says in the text that,”Bath kicks her forth husband in to the fire”. i think bath is a really good pilgrim or a character.

-The sources used, the packet of the wife of bath.

The Wife Of Bath’s Tale

In the old days of King Arthur, the Wife of Bath begins, the isle of Britain was full of fairies and elves. In Arthur’s court, however, a young, lusty Knight comes across a beautiful young maiden one day. Overcome by lust and his sense of his own power, he rapes her. The court is defamed by the crime and decrees that the knight should be put to death by punishing. However, Arthur’s queen and other ladies of the court intercede on his behalf and ask the king to give him one chance to save his own life. Arthur, wisely loyal to wifely counsel, grants their request. The queen presents the knight with the following challenge  if, within one year, he can discover what women want most in the world and report his findings back to the court, he will keep his life. If he cannot find the answer to the queen’s question, or if his answer is wrong, he will lose his head.


From reading this tale, I connected this to the real live, that we live in because, as it has stated in the text that “Her first marriage at the tender age of twelve, she has had five husbands.” It used to be like that years ago, getting married young and having a lot husbands. But it changes over the years, and it gets better.

Pilgrim Compatibility

The pilgrim that would be most compatible with me, is squire.Well as it say in the text, “Squire, is a lover and a lusty young soldier. His locks were curled as if laid in a press. He may have been twenty years of age, of average height, amazingly nimble and great of strength.Also squire is a helpful, courteous and modest person and finally why he would be the one compatible with me then the others, because, he is so romantic, as it say in the text that, “All the day long he was singing or playing upon the flute; he was as fresh as the month of May”,Squire would be the perfect one.

Squire logo vertical

The pilgrim that would be least compatible with me, is miller. Well as it say in the text,”His beard was as red as any sow or fox, and broad like a spade as well. Upon the very tip of his nose he had a wart, and on it stood a tuft of red hair like the bristles on a sow’s ears, and his nostrils were black and wide”.Also miller is a disgusting person and he steals from his customers, miller is not the right, so he would be the least compatible person to me.



Miller is the second person to tell his tale,after knight and before the reeve.Miller is intensely physical and kind of well,disgusting too. He is huge, with a red beard, wide black hostrils and a gasping mouth.In a way Miller is intensely physical because Miller is really strong person, he can break a doors open with his head.Miller is a person that steals from peeople but, in the way he is really nice doing that but he is the one always desperate.
